Could the so-called Gold Rush actually result in Green reinforcement?

This is a guest post by Pablo de Castro, UK RepositoryNet+ Consultant. Please do also take the time to complete the RepNet survey at ________________________________________________________________ Much has been said in recent months about the Gold Rush and the financial unsustainability of a given way of planning the transition to research output dissemination through Gold…

EPrints REF2014 plugin

Natalia Madjarevic from the London School of Economics describes the experience of installing the EPrints REF2014 plugin in LSE Research Online. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ My presentation at the UKCoRR annual meeting focussed on our experience of installing the EPrints REF2014 plugin in LSE Research Online. The repository will be the main source of bibliographic data for the…


Chris Awre from the University of Hull gives an overview of Hydra – “an ecosystem of components that lets institutions deploy robust and durable digital repositories (the body) supporting multiple “heads”: fully-featured digital asset management applications and tailored workflows. Its principle platforms are the Fedora Commons repository software, Solr, Ruby on Rails and Blacklight.” For…

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